
Launcher Receivers

Engineered for
Pipeline Maintenance

As an organization, METALFAB is skilled in designing and manufacturing Launcher receivers for oil and gas pipelines, satisfying the demanding requirements of the rapidly growing and fast-paced oil and gas sector.

Launcher receivers are critical components in the pipeline maintenance processes of the oil and gas industry. They are essential for maintaining the optimal flow and ensuring uninterrupted operations. A crucial maintenance procedure called pigging enables pipeline cleaning and inspection without interrupting the flow. The pig is introduced into the pipeline by the launcher section and retrieved by the receiver section. The efficiency of the pipeline is maintained during operation by the pipe systems installed in these sections, which neutralize pressure.

Pigs used in these operations are categorized as utility pigs, inspection pigs, gel pigs, sealing pigs, specialty pigs, and more, and they serve a variety of functions. Launcher receivers must adhere to construction codes to control system pressure and satisfy strict safety requirements.

METALFAB has strong expertise in providing high-performance launchers and receivers. The products are very relevant for safe and effective pigging operations. Our units ensure to be strong against rough environments, which will ensure operational safety with pressure control. METALFAB has extensive experience in the design and production of launcher receivers, as well as other products for the oil and gas industry.